
In November 2016 Justdiggit signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Government of Tanzania to jointly develop a Hydrologic Corridor program in Tanzania. As part of the project, Justdiggit is working with the different local ministries to select the most suitable region for the first 3,000 hectares.

TanzaniaCurrent erosion is clearly visible. With our water harvesting techniques we will prevent erosion by bringing the water under the ground again.

The project will consist of a combination of different types of water harvesting, smart agriculture techniques and nature conservation. Erosion and drought is clearly visible at the moment. By using Justdiggit’s water harvesting techniques the water will return under the ground. More vegetation leads to a more fertile land and therefore creates a greater food security and an extra income for the community.

Besides being beautiful, Africa’s most iconic tree, the Baobab tree, can provide healthy fruits. It can live for up to a thousand years, but like all plants it needs water. With the help of Justdiggit's Hydrologic Corridor Program the tree can flourish once again.

TanzaniaRuined maize fields: The water harvesting techniques will be complimented with climate resilient agri-culture and therefore creating food security and extra income for the local community.

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